Convert .bib to .bbl

To convert a list bibtex items to bib items, do the following.

  • Put all the bibtex items in a references file (references.bib).
  • Create a main tex file (main.tex).
  • Compile the main.tex file with pdflatex and bibtex.
  • The bbl file is produced as a consequence in the same folder.

The code for each component below,

% main.tex



% references.bib

  title={Discrete-time speech signal processing: principles and practice},
  author={Quatieri, Thomas F},
  publisher={Pearson Education India}

  title={Linear prediction: A tutorial review},
  author={Makhoul, John},
  journal={Proceedings of the IEEE},

pdflatex main
bibtex main
pdflatex main
pdflatex main
% produced bbl file. main.bbl

Thomas~F Quatieri.
\newblock {\em Discrete-time speech signal processing: principles and
\newblock Pearson Education India, 2002.

John Makhoul.
\newblock Linear prediction: A tutorial review.
\newblock {\em Proceedings of the IEEE}, 63(4):561--580, 1975.

Hide Headline – Latex – Beamer

To hide the header or headline in Beamer presentations, wrap the frames with \setbeamertemplate{headline}{}. Headline is the horizontal strip that contains the title of the presentation, author, chapter info and such.

For example, in Frame 1 and 2 below, headline will not be present.


\begin{frame}{Frame 1}
% some content

\begin{frame}{Frame 2}
% some content

Custom Title Pages – Latex

To create a custom title page in Latex, you can define a new command.

% Design your title page how ever you want here. 
% You can use different font sizes, colors, vspaces, tables, etc. to design it

For example,

% TOBLOG. How to make custom titles
\phantom{.}  %necessary to add space on top before the title

% % For title
% {\LARGE \bf \@title \par}
% % Else define your own title
{\color{blue!70} \LARGE \bf Some Title \par} \\
{\large \bf Author Name}\\ [1.2cm]
